Working Harder Is Not the Solution! | Relaunch Your Life
Working Harder Is Not the Solution! | Relaunch Your Life
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Working Harder Is Not the Solution!

relaunch your life

23 May Working Harder Is Not the Solution!

It’s important to invest in yourself and in building your personal business effectiveness.  As your business grows and life gets more complicated, another car or another holiday stop being enough.  To experience better results, you need to learn how to ACT differently. (Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.)

The importance of getting yourself sorted when life starts throwing you curveballs cannot be ignored.  Babyboomer Business Owners get more than their fair share of life’s curve balls.  They’re at risk of:

  • Relationship breakdowns
  • Parental illness and disability
  • Personal health challenges
  • Major family changes as adult children move out – or even back in.
  • Financial stress

When you’re faced with multiple, complex issues it isn’t enough to work harder.  “Soldiering on” without learning new ways of dealing with both your business and personal life ends up with diet, exercise and FUN falling by the wayside and creating a toxic fallout.

You end up trapped, too close to your business and your problems to see that there are options – and to see the changes that will make a real difference.   There are answers and there is help – new actions that will get you out of your hole and back to enjoying your life.

Three steps to babyboomer business breakthrough

  1. Be truthful with yourself about what’s really going on. Be prepared to admit that something different needs to happen.
  2. Learn more about yourself. Seek out new information from outside eyes on what you’re doing and how effective it is.
  3. Create a healthier mindset. What you think controls what you decide and what you do and the results you get.   Put your thoughts under a microscope – and get help to do it.

Seek expert advice – from the RIGHT expert

You wouldn’t consult a heart surgeon for a brain tumour, so find a coach or mentor who knows:

  • How to make businesses more successful
  • How to help business owners examine their thinking and their decision-making.

Your accountant may be great with numbers, but not the right person to help you manage your business and the people in it effectively.

Establish a plan

Make a short term plan to get yourself right.  When you’re fit, healthy and happy you can plan for the long term.  If you’re overweight, sick and sad there won’t be much of a long term to plan for.

Your plan MUST include:

  • Daily exercise
  • Eating healthy
  • Getting rid of clutter
  • Doing something FUN EVERY DAY

Put yourself first in your diary and learn to say “NO”.  Time is not on your side anymore, so getting your head and body right is top priority.

Thousands of babyboomer business owners feel just like you do.   You’re not alone, you just need a new set of tools and expert advice on how to use them effectively.

Don’t know where to start?

If you feel stuck in a deep hole, working your butt off just to stay in place, it’s time to get expert advice.

If you a struggling to find your business mojo book for a complimentary 15 min. Business Breakthrough and let’s get you back on track.  Go to

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